What is there to do in Missouri? Phuck animals, that's what!
It's even legal Surprised
The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) filmed a documentary following the loving of animals.
In the show one of the men marries a pony called Pixel and has a full emotional and physical relationship.
These animal lovers are called Zoophiliacs.
I wonder how these people discover their love for animals. I would imagine it goes something like this...
Location: Small farm town in Missouri, local bar.
Time: 1am
Total number of females in bar: 2
Number of beers before above females are attractive: Infinite
Bunch of guys drinking in a bar and they're getting pretty phucked up. Drinking of course means that several are horny. They check out the women in the bar and they're still not attractive. So drink more…
Time: 3 am
Check out the women again, still not attractive. Phuck!
Bar is closing, time to go home. Two guys get in their cars (DUI, oh yes) and drive home.
Driving down the road one guy says to the other "look at her"
The other guy looks for a girl, but can't see one and says "where, where?"
"Over there, over there, the horse"
They pull over and start looking around. No-one else is around so they approach the horse, their anticipation "rising"
What happens next is too phucked up for even me to talk about!
But this stuff does happen!
It is estimated than 1 in 3 boys have experimented with animals in rural areas.
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